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MMK Automates Internal Freight Control System
点击率:672 添加日期:2022-08-16

MMMK Automates Internal Freight Control System


MMK has launched an automated system for monitoring the availability of rail and freight cars at its long products mill.

MMK prioritises the adoption of modern digital technologies and actively uses automated systems that allow production and technological processes to be observed and monitored in real time. The new joint development by MMK-Informservice (part of MMK Group) and KonsOM SKS, an automation solutions provider, enables the monitoring of product transportation and record-keeping at MMK’s forming shops.

The new system is designed to provide information support on product-carrying railcars throughout their journey through the mill’s routes, and timely notification to supervisors on any irregularities. The system will not only be able to monitor the availability of railcars in real time, but also their identification, as well as incoming and outgoing freights. This technology will also make it significantly easier to investigate potential incidents, thereby helping to reduce the risk of l products theft.

MMK-Informservice specialists have integrated the new system into the existing video surveillance control for the safety of MMK’s inventories, allowing for a variety of data to be promptly received on the list of recognised/unrecognised railcars. All information collected is processed and stored within the system.

At present, the automated railcar control system has been implemented at the long products mill. In September, it is planned to be launched at the thick rolling plant, and at rolling mills No. 5 and 11 by the end of the year.

上一条:MMK and Siemens develop integration platform and create competence centre
下一条:Update finishing mills, expand product outline, improve product quality, reduce operation and maintenance costs MMK and SMS group complete 2500 hot rolling line comprehensive transformation project

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Site of a factory:801-805 Jingshan Road, Guannan Industrial Zone, Jimei District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China

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